We skied up into Jerz Jaroom from town on a clear cold morning after a couple of days of putting in skin tracks. The North aspect of Kjartan had stuffed, leaving us with amazingly soft debris to ski.
Noorvuz was bit of a gamble with the weather Gods teasing us all day long. After doing some homework scouting the route and putting in some skin tracks, we left early after eating yet another huge breakfast thanks to Ulmashon. Thankfully, the weather held for easy route finding on the way up.
After a bit of rock scrambling we reached the summit, only to have the clouds hammer down on us. We skied super conditions with "variable" viz almost 4,000ft back to Arslanbob. A Mega-Classic ski peak by my standards.
We will be back to Noorvuz again. We could spend a week playing on unskied North facing 40* couloirs. For now, we may take a day or two off, go to Jalalabad, a try to find a hot shower!